I am always adding new services all the time as friends ask me to do new things for them. This is part of the fun of running your own business, you can change things up as you see fit. These are the current list of services I provide with a brief description of each...
Commercial Work
Product shots and graphics work ready to be displayed on your own web site or sent to a printer for publication. This can also include shots of items to be posted on sales and auction sites like Ebay.
Portrait Work
My portrait work can be performed in both my studio or on site. I interned for a year with a photographer who taught me the art of "environmental" photography, meaning taking a portrait of a person in a natural and relaxed environment.
Everyone who works with the public, from actors to executives needs to keep a stack of Headshots available to hand out with their resumes. These are usually in an 8 X 10 format and unlike a portrait, they are traditionally in black & white.
Like a Headshot, a portfolio is useful in letting folks know who you are and the many moods and looks you can present. Having a large number of pictures to choose from allows you to pick images to use on business cards, brochures and even email announcements.
Glamour Photography
Everyone, man and woman alike, wants to look their best with that extra little kick that makes someone look at their pictures and say ,"Wow!" Glamour work is a great addition to your professional portfolio or as an unforgettable gift for that very significant other in your life. Glamour photography has also been known as "Pin-Up Art" and "Cheesecake Photography" and does sometimes include implied or partial nudity.
Boudoir Photography
The term "boudoir" comes from the French word for "bedroom", so it reasons that these are the most romantic pictures you can have done for that special someone. Although sometimes the lines drawn between Glamour and Boudoir Photography are a bit blurry, Boudoir photographs are always a bit more intimate and designed specifically for that one other person. Nudity is not a requirement, but when it is it is always handled in the most artistic of manners.